What IPOB Members Said About Leaked Nnamdi Kanu Sex Video

A sex video of the leader of the Indeginous People of Biafra (IPOB) and his wife has been making round on social media.

Members of the group have reacted to the trending video saying it is a stale video that has been in existence since 2014.

They added that the recent release of the Nnamdi kanu video was a deliberate attempt to ridicule the group through the promotion of such content against its leader.

In a reactive statement, Alphonsus Uche Okafor-Mefor wondered if it has become a crime for one to sleep with his wife.

He said

“The video making rounds about the leader of IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is not new, it has been in circulation since 2013/2014 and as such nothing to be surprised about. Be advised accordingly, though, that this is a video of husband and wife (Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and our own Mrs Uchechi Okwu-kanu).

We note that employing of this cowardly conduct remains in the circumstances the only response-and-panic-control strategy from the already destabilized, panicky Aso Rock cabals and their e-rats to try to regain their battered and tattered image.

These hopelessly hopeless retards hacking, invading the privacy of the unstoppable Mazi Nnamdi Kanu would bring the zoo to her knees more than ever before. We challenge these charlatans to publish the videos of their wives.

Anybody sharing that video is an agent of the zoo called Nigeria, report them on both Facebook and any platform they are operating on and more importantly block them. Be rest assured that we shall unmask the perpetrators behind the fake Facebook accounts.”

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