Kick Off The Bedroom Slippers And Get to work: Obama Told California Democrats

The immediate past president of America, Mr. Barack Obama has urged California Democrats to kick off the bedroom slippers and get to work in order to win the forthcoming election.

This statement was made at a rally in Anaheim California on Saturday afternoon during his speech presentation in support of the seven Democratic congressional candidates running for office in districts where Mrs.

Hilary Clinton won in 2016. Obama said that all the party faithful in southern California should get to work to ensure the party retakes the house of representatives November’s midterm elections.

It could be recalled that Mr. Obama had on Friday delivered a controversial speech at University of Illinois at Urban – Chaplain, where he criticized the current president of America, President Donald Trump and the Republican members of Congress in a very explicated terms; according to the formal president, he was addressing them as a fellow citizen, not as an ex-president and that is to encourage them to vote because American democracy depends on it.

He stated categorically that president Trump was a ‘symptom not the cause ‘ of divisions in American society. The Saturday rally was specifically focused on the candidates he was supporting. The formal president also criticized politicians who lobby for people’ s vote not because of national interest but for their special and selfish interest.

Gender equality, better and affordable education services, and better treatment for veterans were top lists of issues he listed which he and Democrats must endeavor to provide for Americans if elected into office. His brilliant speech was followed with loud ovation even as he said that the government is for everybody and so should not be for sale.

Mr. Obama also seized the opportunity to praise the seven candidates he came to support in the city of California, after which he raised his voice high as he repeats his popular 2008 campaign slogan ‘they stepped up, they are fired up, they are ready to go’ it really seems that the appearance of the American ex-president benefited the seven Democrats running in the traditionally Republican orange county. The candidates have vowed to do anything humanly and legally possible to win the midterm election. Names of the seven candidates are

1. TJ Cox

2. Josh Harder

3. Kartie Porter

4. kartie Hill

5. Gil Cisheros

6. Harley Roudy and

7. Mike Levin.

In his speech, ex-president Obama made his stand known to the Californians, he said that the midterm elections were a chance to ‘restore sanity’ by flipping the house of representatives to Democratic control.

“All across the country you can feel the energy, we are going to kick out our bedroom slippers and put on our marching shoes, get to work to ensure that the Democrats controls the house of representatives”.

Mr. Obama ended his speech by asking a very powerful and motivational question to his listening audience. Are you ready to get to work? The crowd excited immediately responded to the question by shouting yeees! He repeated the question again and again as the cheerful faithful of democrats keeps responding with joy and excitement, their voice getting louder and louder, some jumping up and others kicking the air as though they have won the election already.

The mega rally was organized by the Democratic congressional campaign committee. This is the second time Mr. Obama was seen campaigning for a political party in public this season.

However Obamas speech has attracted so many criticisms and reactions from American citizens especially California Republican who said that Obama’s speech will have little or no impact at all, they also said that the speech may end up helping their party instead.

Speaking to journalists after the rally, Shawn Steel a Republican National Committee member said that he wished Obama could come to California more often because he reminds Republicans of eight years of misery.

It reminds Republicans why these midterms are important. In the other way round, some Democrats disagree with Shawn’s view, Macy Bartlett, a Democratic volunteer who has helped in the registering of young voters in Los Angeles County told the orange county register that Mr. Obama’s message will go a long way to help her good effort.

“All we will have to do is to say Obama’s name and people will begin to get interested, she continued by saying that Obama is an icon for so many people and he understands that that flipping house affects everyone.

Some Americans are wondering why Barack Obama would not follow the footsteps of his predecessor who hardly engage in politics after their service years as American Presidents.

On his own part, the president of America, President Donald Trump has decided to handle the issue at hand with maturity as he didn’t harshly to his predecessor. He only took to his tweeter hand to ensure Republicans that they ( the Republicans) are doing well leading up to the midterms.

He wrote “ Republicans are doing really well with the Senate midterms, races that we were not even thinking about winning are now very close, or even leading. Election night will be very interesting indeed”

Obama is no stranger appearance in California

He had headlined an expensive fundraiser in Beverly Hills where he participated in a discussion with Democratic National committee chairman Tom Perez, he also attended another Silicon Valley to raise money for candidates whose houses are hotly contested

Reliable information reaching us says that Mr. Obama is expected to deliver the same message again in Cleveland on Thursday. He will be expected to campaign for Richard Cordray, the Democratic nominee for Ohio governor and other Democrats. Obama seems to be so desperate to return the house of assembly to the Democrats….. will he achieve his dreams? Our fingers are crossed even as we watch keenly to see what will become of the midterm election. Donald Trump on his own part looks so confident that his party, the Republican will surely win the election.

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