London-To-Lagos on A Bike?

London to Lagos Biker

Kunle Adeyanju, a Nigerian and Rotarian, decided to embark on a charity ride from London to Lagos which is a total distance of about 12,000 kilometres.

The Nigerian man, Kunle Adeyanju, has arrived in Nigeria after the long journey of 40 days.
Adeyanju who set off his journey from London, United Kingdom on April 19 arrived in Nigeria (Lagos precisely) on Sunday, May 29, 2022, stressing that he embarked on the journey soley to raise funds for the End Polio project in the country.

He stated that he had some personal experience of the challenges people with polio suffer from as one of his friends could not partake in the games they played due to the polio condition. He stated that his friend always wanted to join in the games but was restricted by his condition until his death later on.

Adeyanju also stated that the journey was indeed tough but it was a wonderful experience as the goal for which he embarked on the journey was worthwhile. During the journey, he met with several humanitarian workers and helped in what ever way he could.
He stated with more detail that the journey started from London to France to Spain to Morocco visited Casablanca, passed through Mauritania to St. Louis, Dakar to Mali to Bamako to Burkina Faso to Cote d’Ivoire to Accra to Lome to Benin before getting to Lagos.

The biker also responded to some comments from people who wanted to get to Europe via the same method telling them that passing through the various boarders were challenging and quite difficult as a lot of valid paper work would be needed.

He encouraged people who wanted to do something for the less privileged to go ahead and do it stating that the world would be a better place if we all hand in our own portion of help no matter how little it may be.

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