Countries You Can Travel To Without Visa From Nigeria.

Traveling out of Nigeria to any country of one’s choice is a challenge to many Nigerians who wish to do so. Nigerian passport is poorly ranked in the passport index, as it retains the 82nd spot. The passport can only guaranty you access to 51 countries without a visa and sometimes you get one on arrival.

Apart from ECOWAS countries that you can easily move into without many restrictions, there are still many other countries that you can go to and stay for months or days before you will be required to get a visa.

What are the ways to get Visas?

Everyone knows how hard it’s to get a visa, especially the Western ones like the EU, UK, Canada, and the United States. Visas from these countries are really hard to get as a Nigerian.


There are still many loopholes through which you can bypass the restrictions that make it difficult to get their passports.


I know you have heard about investing in some countries to get a visa. Investing in some countries can get you a residence permit or visa as well.

And if you manage to get an EU residence permit, you can actually travel to countries in the Schengen area without any barrier and you can still opt to move into any of the countries there.

What are the countries that offer free visas to Nigerian travelers?

Many of the Caribbean countries offer free visas to Nigerians for a maximum of 6 months Nigerians. There’s a bond between Nigerians and Caribbeans. People in the Caribbean have an African heritage and they still want to keep in touch with those from Africa. As a traveler traveling to most of the top Caribbean countries, you don’t have to fear because you’re meeting fellow Africans there.

Here is the list of countries in the Caribbean that you can travel to without a visa :

Haiti is a Caribbean country and the majority of its citizens have African heritage. A Nigerian passport holder can travel to the country without a visa before worrying to get one.

Unlike Haiti, Barbados is an English-speaking Caribbean country. It grants Nigerians access into the country without a visa for 6 months.

Dominica Republic
It’s a French-speaking Caribbean country and it allows Nigerians to travel into the country without a visa.

You can get Visa on arrival in these countries:

Bolivia ( Latin America)
Language: Spanish.

Cambodia ( Asia )

Ethiopia ( Africa)
Language: Amharic and English


Iran ( Middle East, Arab)
Language: Persia, Arabic

Lebanon ( Middle East, Arab)
Language: English, French Arabic

Kenya ( Africa )
Language: English and Swahili

Madagascar ( Africa)
Language: French

Maldives ( Asia)

Namibia ( Africa)
Language: English and Deutsch

Mauritius ( Africa )
Language: English, French, and India

Mauritania ( Africa )
Language: Arab and French

Mozambique ( Africa )
Language: Portuguese

Rwanda ( Africa )
Language: French, Swahili, and English.

Uganda ( Africa )
Language: English and Swahili.

Seychelles ( Africa)
Language: India, English, and French.




The Nigerian passport allows you to travel to 26 countries without any form of restriction. 15 out of it the countries are members of ECOWAS countries. So, you can live in any of the West African countries without a visa, especially those in ECOWAS.

No country denies Nigerians entry with Visa. So far your visa is valid you can travel to any country in the world.


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