Words that does not need to be added “s” to them – Nonso Onyejemezi

Kill the temptation of adding “s” when you want to pluralize words like:

• Staff

• Stuff

• Information

• Content

• Furniture

• Sheep

• Knowledge

• Homework

• Marketing

• Livestock

• Education

• Courage

• Bravery

• Luck

• Cowardice

• Greed

• Clarity

• Honesty

• Evidence

• Insurance

• Butter

• Love

• Curiosity

• Satisfaction

• Work

• Mud

• Weather

• Racism

• Sexism

• Patriotism

• Scenery

• Help

• Advice

• Fun

• Wisdom

• Silence

• Sugar

• Coal

• Etc….

Resist the urge to add “s” to those words above when writing them in their “plural” form. It is wrong.

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