STOLEN MANHOOD: Police Arrests Teenager

The Delta State Police Command on Wednesday arrested Sunday Ebube Linus for raising a false alarm over the disappearance of his manhood. DSP Bright Edafe, PPRO of the Delta State Command, confirmed Linus’ arrest and warned the general public to desist from jungle justice as a means of punishing criminals.
The Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright, wrote on his X (formerly Twitter) channel: “The 18-year-old suspect, Ebube Linus, on Sunday, 8th October 2023 at DBS Road Asaba, raised a false alarm that an old woman inside a tricycle touched him and his manhood (penis) disappeared”. He added: “Over 100 misguided touts gathered and mobbed this woman, stripping her naked and beating her to a stupor to the point of almost killing her”. “The Command was contacted and the DPO GRA division Asaba led policemen to the scene, rescued the woman, and arrested the suspect who we later discovered that nothing was wrong with him, as his manhood is intact.”
DSP Bright stated further that “Linus just lied against a poor woman, a mother, a daughter, and a wife, and now, the video of her being beaten and stripped naked is all over the internet.” Does this make any sense? Why embark on self-help? Why jungle justice?” the police officer queried.
He vowed that the police would do everything humanly possible to hunt down those behind the video for prosecution alongside suspect, Linus.

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