Hollywood actor cut from ABC show for refusing to do sex scenes is glad he stuck by Christian values

Hollywood actor cut from ABC show for refusing to do sex scenes is glad he stuck by Christian values

Neal McDonough a Hollywood actor was blacklisted for several years because he refused to act sex scenes.

He is well known for playing a role in Band of Brothers, Minority Report and Desperate Housewives.

Actor Neal a devote Catholic opened up recently about his strong Christian convictions and said it cost him a role in the ABC series of 2010 titled Scoundrels.

Speaking about his experience he said “It was a horrible situation for me,”

“After that, I couldn’t get a job because everybody thought I was this religious zealot. I am very religious. I put God and family first, and me second. That’s what I live by. It was hard for a few years.”

Neal who is from Dorchester, Boston Massachusetts of the United State, had had a no sex scene policy for
most of 30 years as an actor. To the extent that not even the Highly sexualized series Desperate Housewives made him compromise his decision.

speaking about his role in Desperate Housewives, he said

“When Marc Cherry signed me, I said, ‘I’m sure you know, but I won’t kiss anybody,’” McDonough recalled telling the “Desperate Housewives” creator. “He was like, ‘But this is ‘Desperate Housewives!’’ I said, ‘I know.’ He paused for about five seconds and said, ‘All right, I’m just going to have to write better.’ And we had a great time.’”

Neal who is married to his heartthrob a South African model by the name Ruvé Robertson, has been a loyal
husband to the extent of even refusing to kiss his co-actors saying “these lips are meant for one woman.”.
His marriage with Ruvé has produced five children.

He celebrated his career in a happy not despite been fired fron Scoundrels saying his career “has been phenomenal ever since.”

“Almost 20 years, five kids and just one heck of an awesome life later, to have her as my partner in everything, I’m just the most blessed guy I know,” the 57-year-old said. “That’s why I go to church every day and say ‘thank you’ to God for everything He’s given me. And most importantly, thank you for giving me Ruvé, because, without her, I most certainly would not be talking with you right now.”

Neal McDonough is not the only person who has been blacklisted from Hollywood. Antonio Sabato Jr also suffered the same.

Antonio and Tv and Film star was also barred from Hollywood because of his faith. And making reference to that said

“They don’t want to say Jesus; they don’t even want to mention His name. It’s a shame! They need Jesus. I think Jesus needs to be more relevant to everyone in Hollywood,” said Sabato who told CP he was shunned for being conservative and for supporting President Trump. “… if you talk about this president or being a conservative, you’ll be blacklisted. I was completely blacklisted from Hollywood.”

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