Just In: Osama Bin Laden Son Killed in Air Strike

US media outlets report that Hamza Bin Laden, the Son of Osama Bin Laden who happens to be the founder of Al-Qaeda has died in air strike.

The US media outlets attributed the source of their reports to be coming from US intelligence officials.

The place and date of Hamza’s death are unclear and Pentagon did not make any comment about it.

Earlier in February, the United State Government, offered a whopping sum of $1 million for information that will lead to his capture.

Hamza Bin Laden was seen as the the emerging leader of Al-Qaeda that was started by his father Osama Bin Laden.

According to reports, he was killed in a military operation in the last two years and the United State Government was involved but exact date and time were unclear.

However, when reporters approached President Donald Trump about the matter, he declined to comment.

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