COAS Commends AWCN Granduants, Hypes On National Security And Leadership Excellence


In a grand celebration held at the Army Command Officers’ Mess Asokoro, Abuja, the Army War College Nigeria (AWCN) celebrated the graduation dinner and award ceremony for the participants of AWCN Course 7/2023. The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General TA Lagbaja was the Special Guest of Honour (SGOH) at the event, represented by the Chief of Policy and Plans Major General AB Ibrahim.

The COAS extended special congratulations to the participants for completing the rigorous eight-month course, emphasizing that the achievement marks a significant milestone in their careers. He acknowledged the transformative supremacy of AWCN and encouraged the graduants to apply the knowledge they’ve acquired to make a meaningful and lasting difference in their future pursuits.

The Special Guest of Honour highlighted the core mission of AWCN, which is to produce well-trained, educated, and inspired operational-level leaders for the Nigerian Army. He emphasized that the participants are products of this mission and that much is expected of them as they return to their roles in the field.

In light of the ongoing security challenges facing the nation, the SGOH reminded the graduands of their responsibility to uphold the constitution of Nigeria and remain loyal to the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He commended the progress made in various military operations across the country, acknowledging the sacrifices and dedication of troops.

The event also provided an opportunity to express gratitude to the spouses who supported the graduads throughout their studies at AWCN. Their patience and encouragement were acknowledged as vital contributions to the graduads’ success.

Earlier in his remarks, the Commandant AWCN Major General Ishaya Buba Maina emphasized that the primary purpose of the dinner/award night was to further engender troops’ team spirit and professionalism among the prospective graduads. “This event provided a unique avenue for the SGOH and the college community to join hands in celebrating the accomplishments of the participants and award recipients, following rigorous academic training session” he added. He further emphasized the profound impact of AWCN’s academic programs on the participants that the college had provided the participants with invaluable tools to critically analyze and effectively address contemporary security challenges.

The Commandant also encouraged the participants to understand that the system appreciates the huge investment that has gone into their training and the value that their predecessors have added to their respective Services. As a result, there will be a strong expectation for them to excel, contribute knowledge, generate ideas, provide options, and deliver high-quality service, among other responsibilities, General Maina emphasized. He then urged them to confidently build upon the strong foundation laid at the College and establish themselves professionally, expressing his confidence that they would serve as excellent ambassadors for the institution.

Highlights of the evening were the presentation of awards to the Members of the Faculty, who were the driving force behind the successful completion of the Course as well as other deserving participants.

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